声明 ロシアによるウクライナへの軍事侵攻に







理事長  海 野 道 郎

学院長  嶋 田 順 好

Statement of Protest against the Military Invasion of Ukraine by Russia

March 15, 2022


The invasion of Ukraine by Russia, which includes not only the military crossing of the Ukrainian border but also attacks on nuclear power plants and hospitals reported in the media, has evoked global anger and lamentation. Abruptly, the peaceful days of the Ukrainian people have been lost and the lives of innocent civilians, as well as of soldiers, are now being threatened.

We are deeply concerned by the continuing escalation of violence and tragedy unfolding in Ukraine, and strongly wish for a peaceful resolution leading to an immediate withdrawal of all the Russian troops from the country.

Miyagi Gakuin, since its foundation in 1886, has consistently provided women’s education based on Christianity for more than 135 years. It is an education that protects the weak  in accordance with the school motto, “Fear God and love your neighbor.”

In this difficult situation, we sincerely pray for, together with all the people around the world, a peaceful resolution to be found out of this crisis by harnessing the wisdom that has been accumulated in humankind’s long history.

UMINO Michio

Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, Miyagi Gakuin

SHIMADA Masayoshi

Chancellor of Miyagi Gakuin