2021年、10月15日(金)、2021日本―スウェーデン 国際シンポジウム <地域子ども学>と持続可能性の視点(2021 Japan-Sweden International Symposium)を開催しました。
本日、国際シンポジウムを開催し、テーマ「多言語環境の子どもたち(Multilingual children)」をテーマに、スウェーデン社会研究所、スウェーデン交流センターをはじめ、学内外の多くの関係者にご参加頂きました。
基調講演のモニカ・アンダーソン先生(スウェーデン ヘルシンボリ市教育センター)は、移民の家族が多いスウェーデンで、スウェーデン語を母国語としない子どもたちに、スウェーデン語の教育を実践されてきた就学前教育の先生です。
Friday, October 15, 2021
2021 Japan-Sweden International Symposium <Regional Children’s Studies> and Sustainability Perspective (2021 Japan-Sweden International Symposium) was held.
Today, we held an international symposium, with the theme of “Multilingual children”. So many participants came from inside and outside the university, including the Swedish Institute of Social Studies and the Swedish Exchange Center.
Keynote speaker, Monica Andersson (she belongs to the Helsingborg Education Center in Sweden) said that in Sweden, where there are many immigrant families, preschool education has been practiced for non-Swedish children.
It was also reported that digital picture books (Polyglutt) are beginning to be used in preschool education in Sweden, where education has become more digital, with an emphasis on acquiring Swedish. Digital picture books seem to be a new initiative, but the basis is the childcare technology for story-telling of picture books, which is to read the picture books in a loud voice. It’s no wonder that it stimulates children to imagine and think.
In addition, it was explained that “written words, a combination of narration and pictures” helps the learning of words in the picture book teaching materials. I was surprised that Sweden has 2500 digital picture books in 40 languages and that they are used in preschool education.
It is also important to learn from the Helsinki Center for Education that the vision of preschool education is clear and evidence-based for these practices.
In Part 2, the facilitator was transferred to Dr. Kazuhiko Kawasaki, and Dr. Katarina Stenman (Ersängsskolan, Umeå) of Swedish science education introduced a water circulation experiment. It featured how immigrant children collaborated to recreate the mechanism of water circulation.
At the discussion meeting that followed, Monica had some questions from the President Suemitsu, the students, and participants. Monica’s colleague, Carina pointed out the importance of “democracy” education and stated that she values the opportunities for children to speak.
By holding this international symposium, I hope to promote the development goal of the SDGs for 2030, “Providing quality education to everyone.”
(Critical responsibility: Kazuki Nishiura)